Design and Technology
Holbrook Primary School
Design Technology Policy
What we believe for our curriculum
At Holbrook, we aim to use the National Curriculum and our local resources to provide a wide range of opportunities to learn about this subject by evaluating, designing and making. At every opportunity the work we plan for our pupils is linked to a real-life purpose and is usually part of our thematic River of Knowledge curriculum.
At Holbrook we aim to ensure that all pupils meet the requirements of the National Curriculum in the following ways:
- Develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world. Links in projects are made to programming, electrical systems and Computer aided design.
E.g. Making electric light boxes in Years 5&6.
- Build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users.
E.g. Designing pencil cases to use in Year 3 &4.
- Critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others.
E.g. Playing and using toys from the Victorian box and a trip to visit Hollytree’s museum/Christchurch Mansion in Year’s 1&2, before designing and making their own pop up toy.
- Understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learning how to cook.
E.g. All year groups aim to cook during the school year with the emphasis on producing healthy food – especially savoury dishes.
- All linked termly to class subject.
E.g. WW1 rations and food recipes of the time in years 5&6.
How we put our aims into daily practice
D&T offers opportunities for Children to:
- To design and make something for someone for some purpose (this definition is a helpful aid to judging the value of a D&T project.)
- To be taught specific technical knowledge, designing and making skills through practical creative projects in a progressive framework building on previous experience.
- To solve relevant, real life problems with open-ended outcomes.
- To take creative risks- try things out, learn from their mistakes; be resourceful in trying to solve problems and to innovate, using imagination and creativity.
- To make real -life products for a range of users.
- To evaluate past and present products.
- To understand nutrition and to learn how to cook.
Teachers refer to the National Curriculum and progression of skills grids (our assessment package) to ensure appropriate coverage.
D & T is mainly taught by the class teacher in weekly lessons or it may be blocked into larger units. (Totalling approximately 6 hours per term). TAs may take small groups (Max 6 children) for cookery in our specially adapted cookery room.
The long term D & T plan outlines the content to be covered in the subject. (This is adapted from the Design and Technology Association scheme.) At HPS we plan thematically and incorporate the D and T content with our RoK (River of Knowledge) long term plan. The major D&T themes are: Food, Structures, Mechanisms, Textiles, Mechanical systems and Electrical systems. For medium term planning staff should use the Projects on a Page (Design and Technology Association Publication) which is available in electronic form on the school server or paper form from the D&T co-ordinator’s file. They are supplemented by Suffolk Plans for Healthy Eating. LCP Design and Technology Resource files which also provide alternative medium term plans, detailed lesson plans and activity sheets. Foundation Stage follows the EYFS curriculum Early Learning Goals.
Whenever possible D&T will have cross-curricular links to other subjects such as Humanities, Science, Computing etc. Recording of work can be in varied forms: written, annotated sketches, cross-sections, exploded diagrams, CAD (computer aided design) digital- sound or image, etc.
Risk assessments should always be carried out and potential dangers high-lighted to children. There are many possible hazards involved in teaching D&T E.g. Cutting and sawing tools, gluing with glue guns, sharp items such as pins and needles, hot equipment and contents in cooking and personal hygiene requirements for all food storage and preparation. All staff undertaking cookery should hold a Food and Hygiene Certificate. General parental consent is obtained for food tasting. A list of children with food allergies is displayed in the cookery room. Emergency medication is stored in the school office.
We are successful because
D.T and the real world.
We believe children learn best when they are inspired by a real purpose. The children tasks are closely linked in our thematic planning based on Humanities curriculum and a class text. Children are asked to design and make something for someone for some purpose. E.g. Designing hats suitable for different climatic zones in Years 5&6, designing a travel wallet to use for field work in Years 3&4 and designing a pencil case in years 1&2. They work in a range of relevant contexts such as the home, school, leisure, culture, enterprise, industry and the wider environment.
Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC).
D and T provide plenty of opportunities for children to develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. Through the teaching of D and T we encourage pupils to empathise with peoples of the past and today in different geographical locations through evaluating products and thus learning to respect and celebrate differences, including an appreciation of ethnic, cultural and economic diversity. We develop their cultural understanding by providing opportunities for children to study artefacts from communities different to our own. E.g. In Year2 when evaluating Victorian toys, the children looked at a selection from different part of the world. Their spiritual understanding is established through developing appreciation of these different products across the world. This teaching gives opportunities for children to find out about and discuss issues, which develops their moral views.
D T and computing.
Computing enhances the teaching of the D and T in all key stages. Through everyday teaching and learning, the children are able to research on laptops and I-pads. Computing is also used to generate designs. In our Robo Club children learn to design, plan and make objects that are then controlled by programming.
Children in years 3&4 have enjoyed constructing their Roman catapults which they are extremely proud to share with visitors.
Years 5&6 were able to discuss the construction of their WW1 trenches with parents and members of the British Legion.
As part of the Suffolk Food Hall Project every year, year 5 learn about running a food business and they successfully create their own Suffolk Dishes in our school kitchen.
Our extensive program of extra-curricular clubs includes sewing club and Robo club allowing children to extend their skills beyond the classroom.
Our work with the RHS including opportunities for HAP pupils to extend their DT experiences and use resources beyond those we are able to provide in a Primary setting.
Forest School activities encourage children’s designing and building skills e.g. den building, campfire cookery and use of tools.