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Autumn 2024: Once Upon a Time


This term our River of Knowledge theme is 'Once Upon a Time'. We will immerse ourselves in both traditional tales and alternative versions to build our knowledge of these texts.


In our history and geography lessons we will learn about castles, locating those that are in Suffolk on the map and those that are further afield.  We will study the structure and layout of different castles and learn about the people that lived within the walls and the jobs that they did. This will link closely to our literacy work and the texts we will be exploring.

Spring 2025: Superheroes!


This term we will be learning all about what makes a superhero. This will range from traditional cartoon superheroes, to people in history who have had a positive impact. As part of this, we will learn about Grace Darling and Elizabeth Garret Anderson, we will also explore the events of the Great Fire of London. Finally, we will be discussing modern day heroes who help us on a daily basis and compare how our perception of heroes differ.

Summer 2025: Eco Warriors!


This term we will be extending our knowledge on human and physical features of our local area. We will be creating a map and key to show the landmarks in our area as well as broadening our understanding of the UK’s geographical features. We will discuss how our planet has changed and the consequences of this, including exploring the life and work of Sir David Attenborough. 

Autumn 2025: My world, your world!


This term we will be exploring different cultures, celebration and festivals through our theme of My world, your world. Our history work  will focus on a range of festivals, exploring about how they are celebrated today and the history around them. We will begin with developing our understanding of Harvest, looking at the origins of this and how this has developed as farming has modernised. This will lead to learning about the Gunpowder Plot, helping us to develop our knowledge of chronology, and how past events influence the modern day. We will look at significant individuals and explore the reasoning behind the plot.
