Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Report
Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is money given to schools by the Government to support children who are eligible for Free School Meals, children who are in care and children of Service Families.
The Department for Education says that
“It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium, allocated to schools per FSM pupil, is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for individual pupils.”
DfE website
For 2023/24 Holbrook should receive £42,822.50 for pupil premium children.
How do we use this money?
At Holbrook Primary School, the pupil premium has funded a number of activities and interventions to support pupil progress and attainment. These have included:
The employment of additional adults in Foundation
- So children can be taught in smaller groups.
The increase in HLTA hours:
- So pupils can receive One to One tuition from qualified teachers.
- HLTA cover of class to facilitate tutorial sessions for small groups led by teachers in the classroom
- Specialist social and emotional support for vulnerable pupils to receive individual sessions one afternoon per week
- Reading Ambassador to support Phonics and Early Reading
Allocation of a percentage of the grant to provide opportunities for enrichment in pupils learning through music, performance, educational visits and workshops.
The aim is to inspire pupils to achieve more and close the gap in performance between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils.
Mr Peter Finch is Pupil Premium Ambassador on the Governing Body who is an integral part of the termly review.