Year Three Maths
Autumn term
During the autumn term, we will be studying: place value; addition and subtraction; multiplication and division.
During our place value topic, we will be representing numbers to 1,000, partitioning numbers to 1,000, recapping hundreds, tens and one, working with number lines to 1,000 and comparing and ordering numbers to 1,000.
For addition and subtraction, we will be learning how to add and subtract three digit numbers with an exchange. During our multiplication and division segment we will be learning the 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
Spring term
In the spring term, we will cover column multiplication, division, fractions, length and perimeter and mass and capacity.
Summer term
Over the course of the summer term, we will be continuing our work on fractions, revisiting the concepts of multiplication and division, and learning about money, time, shape and statistics.
To help at home
Try to practise practical maths!
Talk about fractions when sharing out food and the difference between analogue and digital time.
Use money when out and about.
Play Monopoly with your family.
Finally, practise times tables, they are fundamental building blocks for quick mental maths and understanding equivalent fractions.