Key Stage 1 SATs Information Evening
This PowerPoint will guide you through the SATs assessments which Year 2 will take in May. It gives you an outline of what the children will be asked to do and a few examples.
It also explains what the SATs mean in terms on assessments and how the results, along with teacher assessments, provide the final judgement of whether the child is working at the expected, towards or at a greater depth standard.
Finally it will hopefully reassure you that these will not cause undue stress or worry for the child, the tests (quizzes) will be sat over the course of a few weeks, when we feel the children are in the right frame of mind and they will complete these at their own pace.
Lastly, we would like to make a point that these are used to go alongside teacher assessments. The focus is about the individual pupil making progress, which is what we reiterate to the pupils, rather than solely about the score or standard they achieve.