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***Please contact Miss Harnett or Mr Perry if you have any concerns regarding your child's online activity in school***


What we believe for our curriculum


As technology develops and changes, we prepare pupils at Holbrook for the future. The bespoke curriculum of Computing at Holbrook is designed with our pupils in mind. It allows them to reflect on their online behaviours and prepare for the advancements of the 21st century. The skills learnt throughout our Computing Curriculum make sure pupils are empowered to make appropriate decisions online. Pupils are also able to make their own referrals when there has been an incident. We take pride in developing global citizens who make appropriate choices in both the online and offline world. We have created an open and honest culture at Holbrook. Pupils have the confidence to share any concerns relating to any online platform.
Within Computing sessions we aim to support pupils by:
  • Using technology in a safe, considered and respectful way.
  • Identify the exciting changes in a complex online world and discuss the risks.
  • Encourage responsible actions online and identify methods of how to raise a concern.
  • Build upon skills required in the computing curriculum and embed programming skills.
Skills are modelled and taught within our Computer Suite using different equipment. This includes iPads, laptops, workstations and also our own 3D printer. Higher order skills are being developed by pupils such as programming and debugging. Long gone are the days of solely focusing on word processing skills.

How we put our aims into daily practice (Implementation)

There are three aspects to the Computing Curriculum: Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy. The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate- able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology- at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in whatever the future digital world may become.


In Key Stage 1 and 2, the children are taught Computing and Online Safety by their class teacher following the ‘Purple Mash’ Computing Scheme. ‘Purple Mash’ is directly linked to the school’s Progression of Skills Grid document and associated assessment documents used to track the progress of individual pupils. Time is dedicated to Computing and Online Safety for at least one hour a week; in addition to this, reactive work is completed as and when particular Online Safety issues arise specific to certain classes. 


EYFS -The Progression of Skills Grid also shows information for EYFS. The class teachers in EYFS integrate digital technology and computing teaching within their RoK curriculum.This work is also linked to the Understanding of the World Early Learning Goals (ELGs) which underpin the curriculum planning for children aged 0-5. Through these ELGs we aim for pupils to: recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools; know that this technology is used for particular purposes and know what to do if they feel worried about anything they experience online. 


Skills, continually revisited, are built upon to ensure that pupils make, or exceed, expected progress. Units of work link directly to the foundation subjects and the overarching topic themes. During the World at War topic, children are able to link to their computer coding understanding (ciphers/enciphers) and also record their own call to arm speeches using appropriate software. This example demonstrates just one area, of one year group, which links directly to our broader curriculum. Not only are pupils implementing new learning, but also have the opportunity to revisit concepts learnt in previous lessons and various subject areas. Whether it’s visiting The Hollow to collect data of mini-beasts found or creating animations linking to the class texts, links are being across a number of exciting curriculum areas. Schema words are used appropriately by teaching staff which ensures that children are using appropriate terminology. Parents are involved with changes in the computing curriculum and online safeguarding and there is a constant conncention with parents if they have any concerns regarding online safety. 


A range of excellent resources are used by pupils to implement their learning: A set of class laptops, BeeBots, Crumble Bots, Microbits, Programming software, including scratch and the 3D printer using SketchUp. These interesting and exciting pieces of hardware and software ensure that pupils are excited and enthusiastic about computing.


Transferable Skills

By working with other Subject Leads the Computing Lead ensures that  children are able to apply their knowledge to the Computing curriculum from a range of other curriculum areas. This approach to teaching reinforces that regular revisiting of skills enabled pupils to be more confident.

We are successful because

The curriculum design at Holbrook has been developed to link foundation and core subjects closely. This is achieved by the Progression of Skills grid. Here are number of ways we have, and will, support learning for pupils:
-Digital Leaders are role models in this area to promote safe use of online platforms. They provide steps to report concerns online. Ensuring, that pupils feel empowered and have a voice.
-Workshops and monthly newsletters provide parents/carers with helpful tips online. Children use Prejudicial Forms to report concerns.
-Competitions introduced by the Computing Lead and Digital Leaders promote model citizens online. Past events have included going to BT Adastral Park, participating in competitions and also meeting Tim Peak. These sessions build on pupils problem solving skills and also basic computer programming. School visits promote STEM. Pupils regularly visit The Royal Hospital School as part of their STEM learning during Science Week. We promote links with our local schools both in the state and private sector. 
-Regular pupil perceptions identify areas of strength and develop in this curriculum area. Pupils’ views are taken on board and fed into changes made with the bespoke curriculum design at Holbrook Primary School. Schema words are used to promote vocabulary in class and broaden the language of all pupils.
-Regular access to Chrome books and Laptops enables pupils to build upon their computing skills. They can then apply these skills to the wider curriculum.

Click below for our Progression of Skills, Knowledge, Understanding and Vocabulary documents. These sequencing documents show how knowledge builds from EYFS year by year to the end of Y6 so that children know more and remember more. 
