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Parent Information

Homework is set weekly via Google Classroom. It goes live on Thursdays and is due in on Wednesdays. 


How can I help at home?

This is a question that is often asked. Our work in school is made easier with collaboration with parents at home. We are fortunate at Holbrook that we have many pro-active parents, supporting their children achieve great things. I'm aware that everyone has busy lifestyles - here a few things at home you could do support your child in Year 4:


Research - Supporting your child to delve deeper into their topic by carrying out their own research into the term topic. They may like to look online or get a book form the Library. They will be able to share and incorporate their knowledge into curriculum areas, especially writing. 


Reading regularly with your child, discussing the plot, a character's feelings and motives and making predictions of what could happen next. It is a proven fact that if children read regularly it improves levels in all curriculum areas. Please don't forget to complete the Reading Challenges in the front of the home reading diaries.



Times Tables - are a key assessment point for Year 4 this year. They will take part in the multiplication check at the end of the year. If children are secure with their times tables it improves all aspects of their maths and increases the speed they are able to problem solving. Children should know all times tables up to 12 x 12. Try playing games, sing songs, chanting tables etc

How to help your child with their grammar and spoken English

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