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Autumn Maths Overview:


As mathematicians we will begin our work in year 2 by securing our knowledge of, and ordering numbers to 100. Our place value work will help develop our understanding of tens and ones and we will use a range of

manipulatives to assist us with this.


Our addition and subtraction work will focus on recapping number bonds. We will use a range of concrete resources to support our mental arithmetic as well as begin to explore the written method for addition and subtraction. This will support our learning and understanding of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables, which we hope to secure by the end of the year.


Lastly, we will work with 2D and 3D shapes, making sure that we understand the concepts of sides, vertices, edges and symmetry.


How you can help....


Estimating amounts of objects at home.

Practising doubling numbers with your child.

Encouraging daily times table practice.

Play games of Monopoly to assist with mental arithmetic.

Spring Maths Overview:


We will start the term by counting money, ensuring that we understand how many pennies are in a pound and the values of the different coins and notes. Work on multiplication and division will follow, where we will focusing on securing our multiplication and division skills by  focusing on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and their properties.


Length and height will be taught by using practical activities. We will measure in centimetres and metres and then compare and order lengths and heights of items which we have measured. We will finish by using the four operations with lengths and heights. Lastly, we will examine mass, capacity and temperature where we will measure in grams, kilograms, millilitres, litres and centigrade.


How you can help....


Talking about fractions e.g. when sharing out food or whilst cooking.

Practising number bonds with your child.

Encouraging daily times table practice.

Using money when out and about and discussing the values of different coins and notes.

Summer Maths Overview:


We will begin by looking at fractions and discussing halves, quarters, thirds and unit fractions. Following this revision, we will discuss non-unit fractions and work on this concept by using manipulatives. Our work on fractions and the 5 times table sets us up beautifully for learning about time, where we will be making sure that we are able to accurately tell the time to 5 minutes using an analogue clock.


During Statistics, we will make tally charts, read tables and draw and interpret pictograms. Lastly, we will cover position and directions, where we will learn how to describe movement and turns.


How you can help....


Ask your child to tell you the time and discuss the difference between clockwise and anticlockwise.

Ask them to time an activity or tell you how long an activity takes. 

Encourage daily times table practice.



Fun online games to support your child's learning
